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In October 2015 my partner and I found out we were expecting a baby, having tried for so long we ecstatic with joy as we  thought it would never happen.

We are a close family and told everyone very early  as we couldn't hide our anticipation. I was so excited telling my two nieces about their little cousin to be. Throughout my pregnancy my nieces would interact to play with their baby cousin, kissing my tummy and saying “I love your baby”, it was heart melting.

We were told at 20 weeks after a routine scan we were having a beautiful perfect baby girl. Our world suddenly became full spending the following months excitingly preparing for her arrival and counting down the days. You could say my pregnancy was good, I was only sick once and the worst pain I had was swollen feet and ankles. I loved feeling her kick and move, sometimes for hours. It was amazing to watch my tummy moving and feel her develop her own little personality so early on.

I was induced 15 days after full term and woke the following morning with contractions, finally the arrival of our little girl was near. My partner and I were so excited, it felt like we had been waiting a lifetime to hold and cuddle her.

Once at the hospital I was placed on a monitor and showed she was struggling with the contractions but this was seemingly not picked up. Her heart rate slowed so the hospital decided to do an emergency C-section.

As soon as I woke up in the recovery room I asked the midwives ‘how is she?’. They would not answer and my heart dropped as I knew there was something wrong. My partner was brought in to the recovery room for the consultant to tell us both our little girl was very ill and needed special help. We couldn’t believe what we were hearing, everything went numb. She was fine during my pregnancy, so healthy and perfect this can not be real.

We named her Lexi Anne Elizabeth as she was transferred to another hospital for treatment where after 2 wonderful days with her on the 22nd July 2016 she passed away in her mummy and daddy’s arms.

Our world was completely changed, it became a living nightmare. One of the most difficult challenges was how my sisters were going to tell my nieces what has happened. How do you explain and comfort children in those tender years, they were so excited to meet her. This is when my partner and I realised we needed to give them something to remember Lexi by and to be able to help them understand. Our nieces were given a doll which we named Lexi, so they have something to play with, hold and cuddle.

This was the birth of the Lexi Doll Charity, my partner suggested we should help children and families who experience the same tragic lost of a baby. Give them a Lexi doll to provide support for that child who had all that expectation and wonder our nieces had.  Something special to hold, cuddle and play with remembering their angel baby up in the sky.

Since we lost our daughter to continue our charities work to help other families. We look for new hospitals, hospices and departments where their families will benefit from our Lexi dolls. We fundraise to continue to supply new and existing hospitals so they will always have our dolls there to give out to their family in need.  


Registered Char​ity 1194495

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